Sunday, March 17, 2024

Failure to Lunch

I'd like to discuss my midday meal yesterday. I'm not going to recount this in an attempt to call anyone out. I shall not attempt that, but I will do it successfully. Not with names -- if this ever gets to the people about whom I am speaking, I will get in plenty of trouble, but the truth must be told. All the details are true but the names, well, they just aren't here.

First off, a quick disclaimer: my hosts were fantastic and nice and the food was good. I enjoy their company (and I have no doubt that there are things about me that annoy them and things about them that annoy me, but that's life).

They had guests. Sadly, the level of humor at the table was having one person comment about going to an ENT and another person then saying "what?" and everyone laughing at how innovative that joke is. Subtlety has left the building.

But then I was talking to a person at lunch. While he regaled me of all the stories which explained his various careers and why people didn't like him, and then about his medical issues and why he doesn't speak to his children or them to him, he worked his way towards explaining what he currently does. He invests. That's nice -- I asked if he had a fancy terminal or a super account so he can get all the most updated info. He said he didn't and he googles things. OK, then. Sounds very cutting edge.

He told me of how he got into the market: his kid encouraged him to, so he bought a stock on the kid's recommendation and it tanked. But he held on to it and then bought more when it was cheap. When it came back up, he made money. This was, he explained, the trick that he discovered -- buy when things are cheaper, and sell them when they get more expensive.

I'm glad he confided this secret to me. Success, here I come.

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