Tuesday, April 6, 2010

I'm no expert, but...

well, actually, not "but" anything. I'm just no expert. I guess I've started to see that more and more recently. Even in areas where I know some stuff, I don't know the names fo the experts, the buzz words and the newest trends. Part of it that I just don't care. i do enough to get by and am happy being simple, ignorant and like that. When I get angry and hate stuff, it sometimes shows enough knowledge to have drawn angry conclusions and that's why I rarely get angry about politics. I find it too difficult to understand and therefore to care about.

But what gets to me is that while I can fake my way through a superficial conversation, there is just so much stuff I don't really know. I watch my friends who can have in depth discussions about business, politics, religion and sports -- they know names, dates and facts. And they make references and think in directions I can't follow. I feel like I'm barely hanging on, even when they talk about things I'm supposed to know really well.

So what do I know? Very little. What do I care? Not much more.

1 comment:

  1. You should be friends with JR Lennon, or at least read his blog:



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