Saturday, May 4, 2019

Super geeky

So I have been thinking about super heroes (MCU ones, mostly) recently. With the release of Endgame, super heroes have been on everyone's mind but I have decided to take a different approach. I started thinking about what makes the super heroes what they are - - maybe so I could figure the best path towards becomg one.

So as far as I can tell, there are 3 categories of super hero: skills, abilities, technology.

Skills - these super heroes are regular "people" within their own environs but they have training which elevates them. Hawkeye, Black Widow, Nick Fury, the Dora Milaje and other warriors in Wakanda, the Valkeries (and to some degree Thor) come to mind. Most of the Guardians of the Galaxy also. Even Doctor Strange.

Abilities - intentionally or not, these heroes have inherent elements which others can't learn. Captains America and Marvel, Scarlet Witch, Vision, Spiderman, the Hulk, Deadpool and all mutants, to name a few. Thor to the rest of the degree would fit in here.

Technology - the heroes whose identity is defined by the technology they have access to. The other heroes use technology but without it, they still have their skills or abilities. Without his suit, Ant Man is just Scott. So here we have Iron Man, Rescue, War Machine, Falcon, Bruce Banner in Infinity War. Did I miss any?

Two side notes - Black Panther is a combination of all 3 (well, at least 2) and Falcon, when becoming Captain America will have a problem because he is trying to fill an "abilities" role without having those abilities. Bucky has those abilities.

Did I miss anything?

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