Sunday, October 10, 2010

Wheat for it

So here's my question. If more and more products are emphasizing whole wheat then the flour industry has to change. When whole wheat is turned into white wheat, something is taken out. That something is either thrown away or sold. Use more whole wheat and the business model for what you do with the rest has to change.
If that extra is sold, then there being less of it, the price should go up so we should buy into it now.

‎​If it is thrown away then the disposal needs are eiminated and we should advise clients to reduce holdings in that position.

‎​And the companies which make the equipment which turns whole into white? We have to run from those. And of course, we need to invest in white whole wheat futures and not in the bleaching process.

‎​There will also be a mad demand for conversion of recipes from white to whole wheat, and a new demand for innovative whole wheat recipes!

‎​Are there whole wheat pie crusts commercially available? Whole wheat cookie dough tested and pre made? To market! To market!

By the way, standard rules apply - if anyone reading this uses my idea and makes money, I get 10 percent. Anyone not reading this only has to give me 5. Heaven help the person who approaches me with 5.

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