Friday, April 1, 2011

I'm going through some changes

I have heard some people say that we totally change all the cells in our body every seven years. Apparently that means something to the philosophers out there, but to me, it never made much sense. The entire question of identity and strict philosophical sameness is fascinating but the reality of the situation is that I have always been pretty confident that I am me (or "I" depending on the case).

But I have noticed recently that I am, indeed, changing. Foods that I used to like, I no longer have a taste for. Foods that sat well in my stomach now upset me. Activities, hobbies and habits that used to define me and my personality now aren't on my happy list. Yes, I have a happy list. You wanna fight about it?

It seems that I really am "growing up" and not just in that more parts of me hurt more often. There are some real changes in my physiology and personhood. I am only writing this down so that in future years, when we are all star children and look back on the quaint internet, we can see how man confronted not only his own mortality, but how he spent the time till his mortality kicked in.

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