Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Thoughts while driving


I am just writing these down to clear the cache that is my brain. These dawned on me after my doctor's appointment this morning and while I was driving.

1. Why do we need credit cards? A credit card is a piece of plastic that connects us to an account somewhere else. It is basically an ID card confirming that the holder approves with the idea of taking money from the account. The card, itself, is meaningless. It just attests to the identity of the holder. But so do fingerprints. Why not replace credit card swipe machines with fingerprint readers? Would this mean I can't "lend" my card to anyone? Yes. Exactly. And, make a failsafe system by having the database catalogue more than just one finger of mine, so if I lose a finger, another can be used to transact business. One can even be set as a "duress" finger. If i use that one, the authorities are notified that I am being forced to make the transaction.

2. I feel bad for the Yankees. I heard an ad on the radio celebrating the 2000 championship team. Thing is, there are so many championship teams, that a singular player doesn't really get any attention. If you want to pay homage to the players who won championships, there are just too many. Now, as a Mets fan, I can distinguish between the championship teams because the Mets were sensitive enough to win championships sparingly and spread apart in years. LGM! Just not too soon.

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