Wednesday, August 30, 2023

On not sleeping

 It is 4AM. At this time yesterday, it was also 4AM. I know because I was there. And to help you all out, I can confidently say that, at least this morning, there was also a 1AM and a 2 AM and a 3AM.

Some nights I sleep just fine and other nights, well, I can guard reality from the incursion of dreams. You're welcome.

Not sleeping is sometimes the function of food. Eat something which leads to indigestion, stay up indigesting. Sometimes it is because of drink. Though drinks might help one fall asleep, they often interrupt regular sleep patterns and cause wakefulness soon after. Medicines can do the same thing, even those designed to help one sleep. Sometimes, it seems, there is almost a rebound effect and when the medicine wears off, sleep becomes impossible. Stress and worry can also leave one up, playing life's scenes over and over, including not just what was, but what wasn't, might be and could never be. And then worrying about all of that. Light, noise or other variables can also destroy the potential for a night's sleep, good or otherwise.

I have also found that, at least for my night-time sleep cycle, sometimes I'm just done -- wide awake and raring to go at some unholy hour. And getting a little more makes me feel more tired. I don't know if this is a trick of the mind or a real physiological syndrome -- 3 hours leaves me more awake than 5 hours, or something like that. Regardless, I'm up and the world (at least most of this time zone) is at rest. The occasional car drives by and I wonder who else is in such a fix as to be awake? Someone coming home or someone going out. Is the day over or just starting. But for me, day and night become blurred. And tomorrow I might be sharp as a tack or dull as a tack that has been beaten down by lack of sleep.

They say that the similes are the first to go.

So here's to bad decisions -- a cup of caffeinated tea at 4:10AM, guaranteed to wreak havoc on my various systems, physical and mental. Then, when the time seems right, I shall neither rise nor shine, but just keep plugging until my body decides that sleep is a viable option.

Wishing all you night owls, morning glories and midafternoon muskrats a pleasant next wake-wake cycle.

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