Yes, I'm doing this again. I walk around my place and jot down every halfway, unvetted thought that pops in my head and then I'm left with random pieces of paper (and paper plates) emblazoned with idiocy. It is more efficient if I type the stupidity up and keep it in one place so a carefully detonated EMP can destroy all my worst ideas at once.
1. Is there a log of NFL coverage broken down by the number of replays after the initial play? I'm not talking about scoring plays or flagged plays (or injuries), but for the run of the mill play, I'd like to see how the number of replays correlates to the type opf play.
2. Watching more football. I got offended on behalf of the athletes. The commentator kept insisting "that's a play he has to make" or "he should have done X in that situation." This professional is making a split second decision and asking his muscle memory and finest of motor skills to operate with a tolerance of fractions of a second and fractions of an inch. And burly men are bearing down on him, and he's wearing a helmet which reduces mobility and vision. You are sitting wearing a suit. Shut up and sit down. On the flip side, hey football player -- you are getting paid more in a year than I'll make in a lifetime. Catch the ball.
3. I was considering the way movies show us the dynamics of a "team." There is the required racial and gender diversity with each person playing an archetypical role. Then, the relationships between them, their jokes and tensions, their backstories and quirks, make the characters real. And this is why it used to be more the rule not to show these aspects of the bad guys' networks. We don't want to see them with redeeming qualities or human values. We want to feel good about killing them so don't tell me that they prefer vanilla or have a toothache, or a school performance to attend. Think back to the movies you watched in which there are bad guys (especially in a group). Are they as fleshed out as the good guys? [note -- in Die Hard, the extra bits we see are of the villauins doubling down on villainy]
4. I think that it is impossible to throw a Hail Mary pass in football and not find some pass intereference (offensive or defensive).
5. Which Infinity Stone would you want to misuse and how/why?