Wednesday, May 11, 2011

extant things

Some quick puns

I am thinking of getting a new subtexting plan for my phone. It has the < /metaphor > built in.

I also need help seeing the big picture so I'm going to be getting context lenses.

Then I'll get a rubber cover for my phone to keep it from getting stained. I just have to make sure that I have a latext plan.

How about a new App that allows people to design clothing on their devices, and send those designs to other people. Maybe call it a text-ile message.

The SAT's will be allowing students to take their Achievement assessments via smart-device on the new Subject Area Texts.

And of course, George Bush is at his ranch doing nothing but chatting all day. He's deep in the heart of text-as.

the Big G suggests that he would like a pretexting plan, which would be the entre into his sexting, but I think that pretexting would mean getting in touch with someone for some other reason.

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