Saturday, August 13, 2011

posting the wall

On Friday, I decided to wander over to the Western Wall during the afternoon so I could really get in touch with the spiritual heart of my visit. I took a little bit of cash, and headed out. Well, it wasn't that simple. First I had to write down directions. I gave up when their started to be more turns than I had paper and I looked at a map. On a map it doesn't look lke a horrible walk. But a map is flat. Jeruslaem? Hills. The trip was actually uphill, both ways. Also, I tried to look all sorts of cool and no-touristy, but there must have been a sign on my back because as I got closer, the pan handlers zoomed in on me like moths to a tourist who hates moths. I hate moths. I was tapped out of cash before I got to the wall. On the way back, I tried al alternate route. It was also uphill, but at least it had no sidewalks, so I had that going for me. I made it back just in time to be out of breath for the rest of the day. We cleaned up for dinner and made shabbos. I fell asleep many times before dessert, and then again once or twice afterwards.

Today was shul in the morning, some lunch and then a nice nap. I started reading a book and then guests came by. We played with the children till shabbos was over and my feet and back have recovered from yesterday's walk.

More updates as events warrant.

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