Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Be the change

 I watched a bunch of TV this weekend. A nasty head cold and a wilfull decision not to have a social life will do that. I took a lot of notes which I have been posting on various corners of the internet, Easter Eggs that will come back to life 3 days after they die. I'm not theologically clear on this but that's my best guest.

One thing to note is that on the football coverage, one of the guys made a reference on the Giants game to "elephants on parade." He gets points for that.

There was a commercial for some tech and the ad guy mentioned how small it is. On the right there was the product and on the left, a penny, copper and all lincoln-y and what not. But when the objects were rotated it was revealed that the product is actually as thick as 2 pennies. Not horrible. But the edges of the coins on the screen were ridged, like dimes. Pennies are NOT ridged! This is an outrage!

Now, here is an idea for a TV show. For free. Make this happen and then someone send me money. TIA

I am sick of seeing TV shows in which celebrities play music with musicians. Great, Jimmy Fallon or the guys from South park, or some baseball player is getting to live the rock and roll dream. Dude, you already have more money than God...why am I impressed that you get to rub musical elbows with the elite of the rockers? I'd like to see a show in which famous musicians find regular people who happen to play musical instruments, and the celebs sit down with the common person, discuss music (influences, growth etc) and then maybe they even perform a little together. It shouldn't be that on his deathbed, celebrity X can recount all the great things he accomplished and gets to include "and I played music with______." It would be more satusfying if some nobody on his death bed can say "I didn't do much but I played music with ________________"

Could someone make that happen? And I don't mean a "make-a-wish" kind of situation. I mean just a regular person who isn't going to die but who gets a surprise chance to interact with a musical idol.

And then send me money.

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