Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Phone Homme

We are doing a disservice to our children. It is incumbent upon us to let them play, but have the play prepare them for what they will encouner in the real world as they grow. And, incidentally, don't go over to an 8 year old whom you haven't seen since he was 2 and say "look at you -- you're all grown up now" because he's NOT all grown up. He's 8. He still has a lot of growing to do. Stop lying to the kid.

So when we give our kids toys, those toys should reflect what they will see in their future. Well, I found this sitting in a drawer at work. I don't know why, but it has been in a drawer at my desk for approximately 10 years (at least). I looked at its underside (respectfully) and saw that it was tagged 2015. Two thousand and fifteen. Do you think that kids who played with baby toys in 2015 needed to practice their phone skills on something like this?

First of all, it is corded. Kids don't need a corded phone. Second, most real world phones don't have eyes and a face, at least not on the base models. And when was the last time you saw a phone with wheels. No, not you. The blind guy behind you. I have made my point.

At least they will understand how to use rotary dial on their cell phones.

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