Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Now we're cooking

I used to cook a lot more. Now I cook a lot less. This means that I don't cook often, but when I do, I still cook a lot.

Last weekend, I was at my brother's house and he mentioned making a meat sauce including sauteed green peppers. It sounded good so I went out and bought myself some makings. I had other plans as well, and I'll reveal them as we go through. So my goal was to make a spaghetti and meat sauce with green peppers and onions.

I started by prepping my ingredients:

Note the chopped peppers and onions, the sauce in a bowl and the meat in a packet. Also, that's prechopped garlic because I forgot to buy fresh garlic.

Next up, preheat the pan then add oil and salt and pepper

Yes, that's foil from Pesach.

Next up, add the onions to the hot oil.

let them cook for a bit -- not on high as the point isn't to crisp them.
Then add in the peppers 

and a bunch of garlic. I don't measure so figure it out 

next, stir and cook for a while 

I added in a packet of soy sauce just because. Then I stirred it

add in the meat

and stir. A lot

Serve over "pasta" -- in this case, I took a bunch of no-net-carb wraps and sliced them thin and pretended they were pasta. 

then I started to eat it and I continued to do it until there was nothing left

I did NOT eat this for dessert -- I had made it and eaten it a day earlier, but I'm putting it here because I'm proud of it

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