Tuesday, May 28, 2024

recent views

Just a quick summary of some of what I have watched in the last week or so.

I decided (as, apparently, did MANY people) to watch Madame Web now that it is free on Netflix. We all want to see if it is nearly as bad as everyone said it is. Don't judge me; just chalk it up to a whim or youthful discretion (in or otherwise), or my faithful exercise of my franchise as is my right. So I watched it.

Three minutes and thirty-nine seconds in. You know what? It isn't that bad. I don't know why people say what they say! But here's the thing -- I have a mild  arachnophobia and these movies don't do much to help. Fortunately, this movie seems not to have anything in that regard. Back top it.

AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH frickin spider at 3:40? What the hell? What kind of stupid movie doesn't put the fact that there are spiders in the title, like those "Spider Guy" movies? At this point I shall start to list the isolated sentences I am inspired to write as the movie progresses.

She fell into a weird river. Is there a time loop?

What's the hell is actually going on? A prophetic dream-curse?

Thirty-one minutes in. Not horr----aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh why is he holding that?

Something is up with the dialogue said by the bad guy.

Forty minutes in -- shout out to Mount Vernon. Three times!

One hour and 10 minutes in: a stylistic mess with a meandering storyline.

I still don't know what's going on.

Five minutes later -- that CPR scene isn't close to being accurate.

Not interesting. Not good. Not the worst of the worst but simply not good.


Next up -- the documentary about The Blue Angels. Really good watching if you like that sort of thing, and I do. So I did. Recommended!

Then I watched a movie called Atlas about a woman who trusts an AI. On the whole it was a bad movie but at 1:41:30 there are some profound truths. The AI has more personality and acting skill than anyone else.

I then chose The Replacement Killers because I thought someone would kill off the football team from The Replacements but apparently that's not what it is about. In the opening scene, I get the sense that the people at the table are doing a split second Last Supper tableau thing.

Last movie was "Blackout." It was boring and felt way too long for such a short movie. It fails when it tries to be Total Recall, is a little interesting when it tries to be Memento. There are a couple of surprisingly funny moments so, yay for those. Add in some National Treasure and The Rock and you end up with a dumb waste of time.

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