Friday, May 17, 2024

United we sit

We Jews are a disparate and divided people. In fact, the truism of "2 Jews, 3 opinions" is more accurately, "1 Jew, 3 opinions." Even within smaller slices of the religiosity spectrum there is much that divides us. But one thing that brings Orthodoxy (at least Modern Orthodoxy) together is the common tunes found in the liturgical song book. For both children and adults, there are some tunes that transcend sect and division. Go where you want, any MO community. We all know (essentially) the same tune for aleinu and adon olam.

Don't try this beyond morning prayers, though. One thing we are all united in is our understanding that we don't need tunes for afternoon and evening (weekday) prayers. Maybe we need more evening prayers and more evening prayer songs to bring us together another time of the day.

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