Thursday, March 3, 2011

Dear Diary

Gosh what a day i have been having. I mean, I have been just so busy! This morning, I made up a whole new hot cereal -- it is really yum and probs even good for me. I know, right? Like that can't happen but OMG, it did! But I'm still waiting for that boy to call. Why won't he call me -- I can cook also.

So anyway, remember how I was telling you about how busy I was? Dad had said that controlling Hollywood takes up a lot of time and I never really believed him. That whole Mel Gibson thing wasn't easy but I still had time to go to the dance and in that cherry dress! Awesome!

So I showed daddy! I got Charlie Sheen fired and it only took a couple fo days. I was even able to do my science homework and get some of the stuff right this time. But Charlie Sheen...sure, he used to be cute and he has that mysterious last name thing but Two and a Half Men? Really? Like, is there such a thing as half a man? So I got him all hopped up on those pills that my daddy has for his back and I reminded him that we control him and he just went totally bonkers. It was sooooooo cool.

So after lunch, yesterday, I had to make a couple of calls to ensure that i still controlled the banks. Then I continued to drive the worldwide markets into a tailspin but I had to watch out. If I raise interest rates too much, I tend to sweat and that's gross. Like gym. I hate gym! I mean, who looks good in those baggy sweat pants. You know what is more fun? Fomenting revolution in Arab countries. That has been like a class project recently. A bunch of us got together after the ZOG meeting and decided to mess around with the dictatorships of the middle east and it has been so much fun. Except for that witchy Rina! She called Moish and told him that I thought he was cute? He is so not cute. Why would she do that? I thought we were friends!

And now daddy says I have to buy Dior to thank them for getting rid of that designer guy who said all that stuff after we got him drunk. I swear I had nothing to do with that one. I think my "little" brother is finally taking some initiative. Soon, we'll have to teach him the secret handshake. But I'm not gonna touch him because he is so yucky.

Anyway, I hope to buy a pack of gum later with my allowance, and then I have to be home for dinner. mom is making mor food wit the blood of Christian children. I am sooooo going veggie. Tomorrow night ;) lolz

CU then!

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