Sunday, June 12, 2011

Text Arcana

So I know I did a post on texts. Go back, check on me, and read it. I'll wait.

See? I told you I did. Why you people doubt me has me completely at a loss.

But the word "text" has become fodder for so many extensions and quasi-puns that I feel I must wade in. Puns like this are what I'm all about and I have to say, I'm annoyed that no one has called me to discuss this.

So anyway, texting has begotten sexting. Wow. How innovative. I hope no one was impressed by that. It is ridiculously easy to come up with these?

What about sending questions to the IRS via taxting?
or confusing and angering someone via vexting?
Can I get my inoculation through injexting?
How about eating my breakfast by Chexting?
Does captain Kirk Star Trext?
If I send you these words via SMS, is that lexting?
I'll send out curses by hexting.
But I'll save you from curses by protexting you.

And there are many, many more.

What about saying that a politician made a huge es-em-mess with his recent text?

Are you all really that hard up for humor that simple word play has you guffawing? If so, why aren't you all sending me money?

1 comment:

  1. I'd send you money but it's all invexted.


Feel free to comment and understand that no matter what you type, I still think you are a robot.