Sunday, December 3, 2023

Brain Dump

 Another collection of things I have written recently that have no other home. Sift through them as you will.


I was watching a football game and there was a camera shot of the defensive coordinator, the guy way upstairs, watching the game and some screens intently, and telling the guys downstairs what to do.

Every group of guys has at least one of these type -- always yelling at the TV set, telling everyone (especially the TV set) that he could do a better job of calling the game. "Put up or shut up" somebody said, and this guy said "try me."


I watched a documentary of Pink Floyd that clearly didn't have the permissions of the group members, nor any access to copyrighted material so it was pretty weak. But I realized that I like the song "Money" somewhat but I really like the song, "Time."

There was a string group playing a classical-type rendition of a Floyd song and I actually had this thought in my head, "I would have pitched that down and scored it for viola."


You know all those TV shows on which the host tries to conquer some restaurant challenge meal, some ungodly amount of food? I see those as menu inspirations for dinner.



I realized that I'm not actually aware of the decisions I make most of the time. Even if I do acts consciously, I can't pinpoint the moment when I flip that switch and decide to act. When did I actually choose that course of action?


Sometimes when I see someone pulling a rope that goes down a well, I wonder if that person is having a tug of war with someone in China.


there is more but the paper on which I wrote it is in the other room.

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