Sunday, February 18, 2024

Thinking about Last Night

Another Saturday night and I ain't got no filter. So here's the stuff I jotted down during last evening:

Peter Frampton was on an episode of Black Sheep Squadron (Season 2, Episode 13, from April 6, 1978 Who was the audience of the show in 1978 that would have wanted to watch a show about WWII pilots and wanted to see a rock and roll guy from the 70's? And did Frampton really have that bad of an overbite? And Ernie Hudson? Wow. Now, please have someone explain to me why they chose to paddle from the south Pacific to France instead of getting on a plane.

I am now creating a new definition of "aging" -- aging is the process of movement along the continuum of time, from short to long that expresses the wait between current cultural references that I understand. The older I get, the longer I have to wait for there to be something that I recognize.

There was an Intuit commercial on last night and on it, as woman says "I shook up generations of tradition with 5 words" (or something to that effect, but she specifically said "5 words"). She then recites what she said to shake it all up: "Mama, I wanna make perfume." So now "wanna" counts as a single word. Television has spoken.

I wonder how many of the things labeled "ms" are really the truth. MSG? MSK? MST3K? MSI? What about MS Word? I don't know what to believe.

Note -- in Hebrew, "emes" is one way of pronouncing the word for "truth." Get it?

Idea for a practical joke -- stand on a street corner  and "talk loudly to yourself" (or pretend to be on a cell phone) and say "Of wow! In this timeline Monroe WAS president?!" or even "Wow! In this timeline, Monroe actually WON??" Then walk around with a friend, go into a bar and say to the friend "Hey, is this the universe in which there's a bus crash now into this bar?" and then pause silently and say "ok, guess not" (or run out screaming as soon as you say it). And no, I am not being inspired by the guy from MIB3. Also (and not inspired by Doogie Howser), walk into a building and ask the doorman for the exact date. Then say loudly "Good -- there's still time" and run out.

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