Sunday, November 19, 2023

A burst of creativity, captured

 Last evening I decided to write down a bunch of thoughts in real time (as opposed to the fake time I usually buy because it is cheaper).

Some of these are lines I might use some day. Some are observations. Some, I'm not quite sure. Filter's off and I apologize in advance for any inappropriate language or themes. I just wrote things down on a pad of paper and now I'm typing them up. They are generally unrelated to each other.


The memories easiest to remember are the ones that haven't happened yet.


Remembering something as a thousand thoughts flit through my brain -- not forgetting it as the ripples in my brain disappear as each millisecond passes, is like catching a hummingbird midflight, that most elusive finch. And each time I successfully remember when by all rights, the most recent thought should go the way of the myriads which bounce in and out of my brain, it feels like the first and only time I have done so, an effervescence of excitement runs through me, refreshing and I put a pin in the caught memory, sticking into it and holding it down to remind me of that moment, killing it but reminding me that it once existed.


Doing something "at speed" is a great construction, referring to something's happening at the maximum or optimal speed. I like that phrase.


I was watching Baa Baa Black Sheep (Season 1, episode 10, "New Georgia on my Mind"). Who plays "TJ"? Did he ever do other stuff? I need to rewatch the episode because I didn't see exactly what happened to John Laroquette's plane. I thought this was a "part 1" episode because there was so much unresolved with 4 minutes left but WOW they wrapped everything up so quickly! Poorly paced show. Intense characters and acting until the very end when it gets cartoony.


[The following was my reaction to an infomercial for cookware]:

"I'll show you a self-cleaning fry basket!"


When you have a Wisconsin game on in the background and aren't really listening, Tucker Ashcraft's name sounds like ass-crack.


I turned on Austin City Limits and might have developed an erroneous understanding of the explanation of the term "Austin City Limits" but it made me think of this --

4 hotels situated at the corners of a large swatch of land, and all connected by a wall or fence. The enclosed space becomes a "shopping village" of retail, entertainment and amusement, like a mall, accessible only to patrons of the hotels. The mini-city is like a Disney -- a self-sufficient neighborhood which allows entry to its elite shoppers only by virtue of their staying a hotel. In fact, we can have the 4 hotels exist at 4 price points. Each one awards a particular level of access or perk (the cheapest one might require that the people there work also), creating a social caste hierarchy among visitors.

I really need to see a set list of the ACL episode (Foo Fighters, season 49, episode 7). It was really good.


I'm anticipating the excitement I'll feel when I, reviewing these, actually do not remember having committed these ramblings to the pad.


I'm inventing and precipitating a simulated condition in which I lack control so I can enjoy the loss of control but know in the back of my awareness, that I still actually have control. Sort of like a holodeck scenario but I know that I set up the holodeck, so I'm safely in control but I can feel like I'm not. On a roller coaster, I'm truly not in control. When I read a horror novelization, I can put it down any time.


I sense that in my "love of music" category, there is a sound that I prefer. I have written in the past about specific songs that haunt me. For a while, I searched for that single defining thing assuming that it was a singular moment -- a chord magically speaking. I was in search of that lost chord, but no longer! The elusive sound is a progression, a series of moments that in combination affect me deeply. They have a specific relationship to each other which triggers a reaction in me (I need to look up a Foo Fighters' song with the line "Banging on the Ceiling").


I need to hire a home health aide/secretary who can constantly monitor my health and also type up all my handwritten, half mad, half ramblings so I can decide how quickly I want to forget them.


Here's a note about the Foo Fighters: even their songs that aren't remarkable are pretty damn good.


I'm so intellectually out of shape that my heart races when I try to catch my own train of thought.


Note to self -- type all this up as a stream of consciousness. It ensures the authenticity of its source material. [I have no idea where I was going with that]


And so now I, haunted by the fact that I DID prefer the light brown M+M's to the dark brown ones, feel like a confirmed racist thank you very much.


If you aren't interested in college football, while most of the year there is nothing on television on Saturday night, during the college football season there is really, really NOTHING on television on Saturday night.


I did enjoy hearing the phrase "rapid unscheduled disassembly" used when the rocket blew up. Doublespeak FTW.


Magee Hickey (I was watching the channel 11 news) almost called Kaity Tong "cutie". Hickey continued to report about the Young People's Concert and showed a clip of the musicians playing. She explained that they were playing "the theme from the Lone Ranger, also known as the William Tell Overture." I was under the impression, that the piece had a proper name and the use on television would be the "also known as". What does it say, sociologically, that the actual name is demoted to a position behind the TV usage?


At first I thought she was an idiot but then it got worse and I realized that she was a social justice warrior.


Three media presentations of reality:

Figment of the imagination (St. Elsewhere)

Simulation (Matrix, Free Guy)

Manufactured scenario (Truman Show)


A short scene -- I am being questioned by an evil person.

Him -- Well, what do you say, MR. Rosen? Or should I say, rabbi! It is rabbi is it not. 


Him -- So you are a rabbi! 
Me -- as you are a man
Him -- In what sense? 
Me -- It depends on one's definition of the word. Some would say no. 

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