Sunday, November 19, 2023

More NFL observations


I have fallen and hurt myself. Even as a late teen and twenty something, I knew the pain of falling down and having to get up. There is simply no way that football players can heal as quickly as they do (during the game, between plays, and after major bodily traumas). They aren't Wolverine or anything -- their bodies, after they crash into others, fall, bounce etc. can't simply "be OK" no matter what kind of condition they are in. The human body isn't made to bend or get thrown down that way. Either they are robots, the whole thing is highly choreographed (like wrestling) or it is all just AI.

I was watching a game and there was a call for "unnecessary roughness" on a punt return. The call was announced and the announcers immediately segued to a completely different topic with no explanation and NO replay of what happened. Why do you think that is? It isn't that the game was back underway, and they always seem to have a replay for every player all the time. Why didn't they discuss and show this play? Because it probably didn't happen -- that's my conclusion.


New info:

The Washington Commanders' helmets seem to have a slight lip or bill on them that, along with their color makes them look like WWI German helmets. Coincidence? I think not.

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